§15‑53. Governor may employ agents, and offer rewards.
The Governor, on informationmade to him of any person, whether the name of such person be known or unknown,having committed a felony or other infamous crime within the State, and ofhaving fled out of the jurisdiction thereof, or who conceals himself withinthe State to avoid arrest, or who, having been convicted, has escaped and cannot otherwise be apprehended, may either employ a special agent, with asufficient escort, to pursue and apprehend such fugitive, or issue hisproclamation, and therein offer a reward, not exceeding ten thousand dollars($10,000), according to the nature of the case, as in his opinion may besufficient for the purpose, to be paid to him who shall apprehend and deliver thefugitive to such person and at such place as in the proclamation shall bedirected. (1800, c. 561, P.R.; R.C., c. 35, s. 4; 1866, c. 28;1868‑9, c. 52; 1870‑1, c. 15; 1871‑2, c. 29; Code, s. 1169;1891, c. 421; Rev., s. 3188; C.S., s. 4554; 1925, c. 275, s. 6; 1967, c. 165,s. 1.)