§ 150B‑21.10. Commission action on permanent rule.
At the first meeting at which a permanent rule is before the Commissionfor review, the Commission must take one of the following actions:
(1) Approve the rule, if the Commission determines that the rulemeets the standards for review.
(2) Object to the rule, if the Commission determines that therule does not meet the standards for review.
(3) Extend the period for reviewing the rule, if the Commissiondetermines it needs additional information on the rule to be able to decidewhether the rule meets the standards for review.
Inreviewing a new rule or an amendment to an existing rule, the Commission mayrequest an agency to make technical changes to the rule and may condition itsapproval of the rule on the agency's making the requested technical changes. (1991, c. 418, s. 1.)