§ 150B‑21.27. Minimizing the effects of rules on local budgets.
In adopting permanent rules that would increase or decrease theexpenditures or revenues of a unit of local government, the agency shallconsider the timing for implementation of the proposed rule as part of thepreparation of the fiscal note required by G.S. 150B‑21.4(b). If thecomputation of costs in a fiscal note indicates that the proposed rule changewill disrupt the budget process as set out in the Local Government Budget andFiscal Control Act, Article 3 of Chapter 159 of the General Statutes, theagency shall specify the effective date of the change as July 1 following thedate the change would otherwise become effective under G.S. 150B‑21.3. (1995, c. 415, s. 3; c. 507, s. 27.8(x).)