Chapter 153A.
Article 1.
Definitions and Statutory Construction.
§ 153A‑1. Definitions.
Unless otherwise specifically provided, or unless otherwise clearlyrequired by the context, the words and phrases defined in this section have themeaning indicated when used in this Chapter.
(1) "City" means a city as defined by G.S. 160A‑1(2),except that it does not include a city that, without regard to its date ofincorporation, would be disqualified from receiving gasoline tax allocations byG.S. 136‑41.2(a).
(2) "Clerk" means the clerk to the board ofcommissioners.
(3) "County" means any one of the counties listed inG.S. 153A‑ 10.
(4) "General law" means an act of the General Assemblythat applies to all units of local government, to all counties, to all countieswithin a class defined by population or other criteria, to all cities, or toall cities within a class defined by population or other criteria, including alaw that meets the foregoing standards but contains a clause or sectionexempting from its effect one or more counties, cities, or counties and cities.
(5) "Local act" means an act of the General Assemblythat applies to one or more specific counties, cities, or counties and citiesby name. "Local act" is interchangeable with the terms "specialact," "special law," "public‑local act," and"private act," is used throughout this Chapter in preference to thoseterms, and means a local act as defined in this subdivision without regard tothe terminology employed in local acts or other portions of the GeneralStatutes.
(6) "Publish," "publication," and otherforms of the verb "to publish" mean insertion in a newspaperqualified under G.S. 1‑ 597 to publish legal advertisements in thecounty. (1973, c. 822, s.1.)