§ 153A‑132.1. Toprovide for the removal and disposal of trash, garbage, etc.
The board of county commissioners of any county is hereby authorized toenact ordinances governing the removal, method or manner of disposal,depositing or dumping of any trash, debris, garbage, litter, discarded cans orreceptacles or any waste matter whatsoever within the rural areas of the countyand outside and beyond the corporate limits of any municipality of said county.An ordinance adopted pursuant hereto may make it unlawful to place, discard,dispose, leave or dump any trash, debris, garbage, litter, discarded cans orreceptacles or any waste matter whatsoever upon a street or highway locatedwithin that county or upon property owned or operated by the county unless suchtrash, debris, garbage, litter, discarded cans or receptacles or any wastematter is placed in a designated location or container for removal by aspecific garbage or trash service collector.
Boards of county commissioners may also provide by ordinance enactedpursuant to this section, that the placing, discarding, disposing, leaving ordumping of the articles forbidden by this section shall, for each day orportion thereof the articles or matter are left, constitute a separate offense,and that a person in violation of the ordinance may be punished by a fine notexceeding fifty dollars ($50.00) or imprisoned not exceeding 30 days, or both,for each offense. (1973, c. 952.)