§ 153A‑158.2. Acquisition and improvement of community college property.
(a) Acquisition. A county may acquire, by any lawful method,any interest in real or personal property for use by a community college withinthe county. In exercising the power of eminent domain for real property, acounty shall use the procedures of Chapter 40A of the General Statutes.
(b) Construction; Disposition. A county may construct, equip,expand, improve, renovate, repair, or otherwise make available property for useby a community college within the county and may lease, sell, or otherwisedispose of property for use by a community college within the county for anyprice and on any terms negotiated by the board of county commissioners and theboard of trustees of the community college.
(c) Public Hearing. A county may use its authority under thissection to acquire an interest in real or personal property for use by acommunity college within the county only upon request of the board of trusteesof the community college for which property is to be made available. The boardof county commissioners shall hold a public hearing prior to final action. Anotice of the public hearing shall be published at least once at least 10 daysbefore the date fixed for the hearing. (1999‑115, s. 1.)