§ 153A‑221.1. Standards and inspections.
The legal responsibility of the Secretary of Health and Human Servicesand the Social Services Commission for State services to county juveniledetention homes under this Article is hereby confirmed and shall include thefollowing: development of State standards under the prescribed procedures;inspection; consultation; technical assistance; and training.
The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall also develop standardsunder which a local jail may be approved as a holdover facility for not morethan five calendar days pending placement in a juvenile detention home whichmeets State standards, providing the local jail is so arranged that any childplaced in the holdover facility cannot converse with, see, or be seen by theadult population of the jail while in the holdover facility. The personnelresponsible for the administration of a jail with an approved holdover facilityshall provide close supervision of any child placed in the holdover facilityfor the protection of the child. (1973, c. 1230, s. 2; c. 1262, s. 10; 1975, c. 426, s. 2; 1983, c. 768,s. 21; 1997‑443, s. 11A.118(a); 1998‑202, s. 13(nn); 1999‑423,s. 12; 2000‑137, s. 4(hh).)