§ 153A‑230.5. Satellite jails/work releaseunits built with non‑State funds.
(a) If a county is operating a satellite jail/work release unitprior to the enactment of this act, the county may apply to the Office of StateBudget and Management for grant funds to recover any verifiable construction orrenovation costs for those units and for improvement funds except that thetotal for reimbursement and improvement shall not exceed seven hundred fiftythousand dollars ($750,000). Any county accepting such a grant or any otherState monies for county satellite jails must agree to all of the basicrequirements listed in G.S. 153A‑230.2 and G.S. 153A‑230.3.
(b) If a county operates a non‑State funded satellitejail/work release unit that does not comply with the basic requirements listedin G.S. 153A‑230.2 and G.S. 153A‑230.3, then the satellite jailshall be subject to the standards, rules, and regulations to be promulgated bythe Secretary of Health and Human Services pursuant to Part 2 of Article 10 ofChapter 153A. If a county is reimbursed for the cost of a prisoner's keep froman inmate's work release earnings in an amount equal to or greater than thatpaid by the Department of Correction to local confinement facilities under G.S.148‑32.1, the county may not receive additional payments from thedepartment for the cost of a prisoner's keep. However, if reimbursement to thecounty for the cost of a prisoner's keep is less than the amount allowed underG.S. 148‑32.1, the county may receive from the Department of Correctionthe difference in the amount received from work release earnings and the amountpaid by the department to local confinement facilities. The department maypromulgate rules regarding such payment arrangements. (1987, c. 207, s. 1; 1987 (Reg. Sess., 1988), c. 1106, s. 7; 1989, c.761, s. 5; 1997‑443, s. 11A.118(a); 2000‑140, s. 93.1(a); 2001‑424,s. 12.2(b).)