§ 153A‑234. Firemarshal.
A county may appoint a fire marshal and employ persons as hisassistants. A county may also impose any duty that might be imposed on a firemarshal on any other officer or employee of the county. The board ofcommissioners shall set the duties of the fire marshal, which may include butare not limited to:
(1) Advising the board on improvements in the fire‑fightingor fire prevention activities under the county's supervision or control.
(2) Coordinating fire‑fighting and training activitiesunder the county's supervision or control.
(3) Coordinating fire prevention activities under the county'ssupervision or control.
(4) Assisting incorporated volunteer fire departments indeveloping and improving their fire‑fighting or fire preventioncapabilities.
(5) Making fire prevention inspections, including the periodicinspections and reports of school buildings required by Chapter 115 and theinspections of child care facilities required by Chapter 110. A fire marshalshall not make electrical inspections unless he is qualified to do so underG.S. 153A‑351. (1959, c. 290; 1969, c. 1064, s. 2; 1973, c. 822, s. 1; 1997‑506,s. 62.)