§ 153A‑248. Health‑relatedappropriations.
(a) A county may appropriate revenues not otherwise limited asto use by law:
(1) To a licensed facility for the mentally retarded, whetherpublicly or privately owned, to assist in maintaining and developing facilitiesand treatment, if the board of commissioners determines that the care offeredby the facility is available to residents of the county. The facility need notbe located within the county.
(2) To a sheltered workshop or other private, nonprofit, charitableorganization offering work or training activities to the physically or mentallyhandicapped, and may otherwise assist such an organization.
(3) To an orthopedic hospital, whether publicly or privatelyowned, to assist in maintaining and developing facilities and treatment, if theboard of commissioners determines that the care offered by the hospital isavailable to residents of the county. The hospital need not be located withinthe county.
(4) To a training center or other private, nonprofit, charitable organization offering education, treatment, rehabilitation, or developmentalprograms to the physically or mentally handicapped, and may otherwise assistsuch organizations; provided, however, such action shall be with theconcurrence of the county board of education; and provided, further, thatwithin 30 days after receipt of the request for concurrence, the county boardof education shall notify the board of county commissioners whether it concurs,and should it fail to so notify the board of county commissioners within suchperiod, it shall be deemed to have concurred.
(b) The ordinance making the appropriation shall statespecifically what the appropriation is to be used for, and the board ofcommissioners shall require that the recipient account for the appropriation atthe close of the fiscal year. (1967, cc. 464, 1074; 1969, c. 802; 1973, c. 822, s. 1; 1977, c. 474;1979, c. 1074, s. 2.)