§ 153A‑3. Effectof Chapter on local acts.
(a) Except as provided in this section, nothing in this Chapterrepeals or amends a local act in effect as of January 1, 1974, or any portionof such an act, unless this Chapter or a subsequent enactment of the GeneralAssembly clearly shows a legislative intent to repeal or supersede that localact.
(b) If this Chapter and a local act each provide a procedurethat contains every action necessary for the performance or execution of apower, right, duty, function, privilege, or immunity, the two procedures may beused in the alternative, and a county may follow either one.
(c) If this Chapter and a local act each provide a procedure forthe performance or execution of a power, right, duty, function, privilege, orimmunity, but the local act procedure does not contain every action necessaryfor the performance or execution, the two procedures may be used in thealternative, and a county may follow either one; but the local act procedureshall be supplemented as necessary by this Chapter's procedure. If a local actprocedure is being supplemented in such a manner, and there is a conflict orinconsistency between the local act procedure and this Chapter's procedure, thelocal act procedure shall be followed.
(d) If a power, right, duty, function, privilege, or immunity isconferred on counties by this Chapter, and a local act enacted earlier thanthis Chapter omits or expressly denies or limits the same power, right, duty,function, privilege, or immunity, this Chapter supersedes the local act. (1973, c. 822, s. 1.)