§ 153A‑304. Consolidation of service districts.
(a) The board of commissioners may by resolution consolidate twoor more service districts upon finding that:
(1) The districts are contiguous or are in a continuousboundary;
(2) The services provided in each of the districts aresubstantially the same; or
(3) If the services provided are lower for one of thedistricts, there is a need to increase those services for that district to thelevel of that enjoyed by the other districts.
(b) Report. Before the public hearing required by subsection(c), the board of commissioners shall cause to be prepared a report containing:
(1) A map of the districts to be consolidated;
(2) A statement showing the proposed consolidation meets thestandards of subsection (a); and
(3) If necessary, a plan for increasing the services for one ofthe districts so that they are substantially the same throughout theconsolidated district.
The report shall be available in the office of the clerk to the boardfor at least two weeks before the public hearing.
(c) Hearing and Notice. The board of commissioners shall holda public hearing before adopting any resolution consolidating servicedistricts. Notice of the hearing shall state the date, hour, and place of thehearing and its subject, and shall include a statement that the report requiredby subsection (b) is available for inspection in the office of the clerk to theboard. The notice shall be published at least once not less than one weekbefore the date of the hearing. In addition, the notice shall be mailed atleast four weeks before the hearing to the owners as shown by the county taxrecords as of the preceding January 1 of all property located within theconsolidated district. The notice may be mailed by any class of U.S. mail whichis fully prepaid. The person designated by the board to mail the notice shallcertify to the board that the mailing has been completed, and his certificateshall be conclusive in the absence of fraud.
(d) Effective Date. The consolidation of service districtsshall take effect at the beginning of a fiscal year commencing after passage ofthe resolution of consolidation, as determined by the board. (1973, c. 489, s. 1; c. 822, s. 2; 1981, c. 53, s. 2.)