§ 153A‑305. Required provision or maintenance of services.
(a) New District. When a county defines a new servicedistrict, it shall provide, maintain, or let contracts for the services forwhich the residents of the district are being taxed within a reasonable time,not to exceed one year, after the effective date of the definition of thedistrict.
(b) Extended District. When a county annexes territory to aservice district, it shall provide, maintain, or let contracts for the servicesprovided or maintained throughout the district to the residents of the areaannexed to the district within a reasonable time, not to exceed one year, afterthe effective date of the annexation.
(c) Consolidated District. When a county consolidates two ormore service districts, one of which has had provided or maintained a lowerlevel of services, it shall increase the services within that district (or letcontracts therefor) to a level comparable to those provided or maintainedelsewhere in the consolidated district within a reasonable time, not to exceedone year, after the effective date of the consolidation. (1973, c. 489, s. 1; c. 822, s. 2.)