§ 153A‑309. EMSservices in fire protection districts.
(a) If a service district is established under this Article forfire protection purposes under G.S. 153A‑301(2), (including a districtestablished with a rate limitation under G.S. 153A‑309.2), and it was notalso established under this Article for ambulance and rescue purposes underG.S. 153A‑301(7), the board of county commissioners may, by resolution,permit the service district to provide emergency medical, rescue, and/orambulance services, and may levy property taxes for such purposes under G.S.153A‑307, but if the district was established under G.S. 153A‑309.2,the rate limitation established under that section shall continue to apply.
(b) The resolution expanding the purposes of the district underthis section shall take effect at the beginning of a fiscal year commencingafter its passage. (1983, c. 642;1989, c. 559.)