§ 153A‑310. Rate limitation in certaindistricts Alternative procedure for ambulance and rescue districts.
(a) In connection with the establishment of a service districtfor ambulance and rescue as provided by G.S. 153A‑301(7) [G.S. 153A‑301(a)(7)],if the board of commissioners adopts a resolution within 90 days prior to thepublic hearing required by G.S. 153A‑302(c) but prior to the firstpublication of notice required by subsection (b) of this section, whichresolution states that property taxes within a district may not be levied inexcess of a rate of five cents (5¢) on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) ofproperty subject to taxation, then property taxes may not be levied in thatservice district in excess of that rate.
(b) Whenever a service district is established under thissection, instead of the procedures for hearing and notice under G.S. 153A‑302(c),the board of commissioners shall hold a public hearing before adopting anyresolution defining a new service district under this section. Notice of thehearing shall state the date, hour and place of the hearing and its subject,and shall include a map of the proposed district and a statement that thereport required by G.S. 153A‑302(b) is available for public inspection inthe office of the clerk to the board. The notice shall be published at leasttwice, with one publication not less than two weeks before the hearing, and theother publication on some other day not less than two weeks before the hearing.(1985, c. 430, s. 1.)