§ 153A‑313. Advisorycommittee.
(a) The board or boardsof commissioners, in the resolution establishing a research and productionservice district, shall also provide for an advisory committee for thedistrict. Such a committee shall have at least 10 members, serving terms as setforth in the resolution; one member shall be the representative of thedeveloper of the research and production park. The resolution shall provide forthe appointment or designation of a chairman. The board of commissioners or, inthe case of a multi‑county service district, the boards of commissionersshall appoint the members of the advisory committee. If a multi‑countyservice district is established, the concurrent resolutions establishing thedistrict shall provide how many members of the advisory committee are to beappointed by each board of commissioners. Before making the appointments, theappropriate board shall request the association of owners and tenants, requiredby G.S. 153A‑312(a), to submit a list of persons to be considered forappointment to the committee; the association shall submit at least two namesfor each appointment to be made. Except as provided in the next two sentences,the board of commissioners shall make the appointments to the committee fromthe list of persons submitted. In addition, the developer of the research andproduction park shall appoint one person to the advisory committee as thedeveloper's representative on the committee. In addition, in a single countyservice district, the board of commissioners may make two additionalappointments of such other persons as the board of commissioners deemsappropriate, and in a multi‑county service district, each board of countycommissioners may make one additional appointment of such other person as thatboard of commissioners deems appropriate. Whenever a vacancy occurs on thecommittee in a position filled by appointment by a board of commissioners, theappropriate board, before filling the vacancy, shall request the association tosubmit the names of at least two persons to be considered for the vacancy; andthe board shall fill the vacancy by appointing one of the persons so submitted,except that if the vacancy is in a position appointed by the board ofcommissioners under the preceding sentence of this section, the board ofcommissioners making that appointment shall fill the vacancy with such personas that board of commissioners deems appropriate.
Each year, before adopting thebudget for the service district and levying the tax for the district, the boardor boards of commissioners shall request recommendations from the advisorycommittee as to the level of services, facilities, or functions to be providedfor the district for the ensuing year. The board or boards of commissionersshall, to the extent permitted by law, expend the proceeds of any tax leviedfor the district in the manner recommended by the advisory board.
(b) In the event thatthe research and production service district satisfies the criteria of G.S.143B‑437.08(h), the board of directors for the nonprofit corporationwhich owns the industrial park shall serve as the advisory committee describedin subsection (a) of this section. (1985, c. 435, s. 1; 2009‑523, s. 3(b).)