§ 153A‑349.10. Validity and duration ofagreement entered into prior to change of jurisdiction; subsequent modificationor suspension.
(a) Except as otherwise provided by this Part, any developmentagreement entered into by a local government before the effective date of achange of jurisdiction shall be valid for the duration of the agreement, oreight years from the effective date of the change in jurisdiction, whichever isearlier. The parties to the development agreement and the local government assumingjurisdiction have the same rights and obligations with respect to each otherregarding matters addressed in the development agreement as if the property hadremained in the previous jurisdiction.
(b) A local government assuming jurisdiction may modify orsuspend the provisions of the development agreement if the local governmentdetermines that the failure of the local government to do so would place theresidents of the territory subject to the development agreement, or theresidents of the local government, or both, in a condition dangerous to theirhealth or safety, or both. (2005‑426, s. 9(b).)