§ 153A‑351.1. Qualifications of inspectors.
On and after the applicable date set forth in the schedule in G.S. 153A‑351,no county shall employ an inspector to enforce the State Building Code as amember of a county or joint inspection department who does not have one of thefollowing types of certificates issued by the North Carolina Code OfficialsQualification Board attesting to his qualifications to hold such position: (i)a probationary certificate, valid for one year only; (ii) a standard certificate;or (iii) a limited certificate, which shall be valid only as an authorizationfor him to continue in the position held on the date specified in G.S. 143‑151.10(c)and which shall become invalid if he does not successfully complete in‑servicetraining prescribed by the Qualification Board within the period specified inG.S. 143‑ 151.10(c). An inspector holding one of the above certificatescan be promoted to a position requiring a higher level certificate only upon issuance by the Board of a standard certificate or probationary certificateappropriate for such new position. (1977, c. 531, s. 4.)