§ 153A‑353. Joint inspection department; otherarrangements.
A county may enter into and carry out contracts with one or more othercounties or cities under which the parties agree to create and support a jointinspection department for enforcing those State and local laws and localordinances and regulations specified in the agreement. The governing bodies ofthe contracting units may make any necessary appropriations for this purpose.
In lieu of a joint inspection department, a county may designate an inspectorfrom another county or from a city to serve as a member of the countyinspection department, with the approval of the governing body of the othercounty or city. A county may also contract with an individual who is not a cityor county employee but who holds one of the applicable certificates as providedin G.S. 153A‑351.1 or G.S. 160A‑411.1 or with the employer of anindividual who holds one of the applicable certificates as provided in G.S.153A‑351.1 or G.S. 160A‑411.1. The inspector, if designated fromanother county or city under this section, while exercising the duties of theposition, is a county employee. The county shall have the same potentialliability, if any, for inspections conducted by an individual who is not anemployee of the county as it does for an individual who is an employee of thecounty. The company or individual with whom the county contracts shall haveerrors and omissions and other insurance coverage acceptable to the county. (1937, c. 57; 1941, c. 105; 1947, c. 719; 1951, c. 651; 1959, c. 940;1963, c. 639; 1965, c. 371; 1967, c. 495, s. 1; 1969, c. 918; c. 1010, s. 4; c.1064, ss. 1, 5; c. 1066, s. 1; 1973, c. 822, s. 1; 1993, c. 232, s. 1; 1999‑372,s. 1; 2001‑278, s. 1.)