§ 153A‑430. Compliance with other law.
(a) Repealed by Session Laws 1989 (Regular Session, 1990), c.1004, s. 47, effective July 20, 1990.
(b) An authority created pursuant to this Article shall complywith all applicable federal and State laws, regulations, and rules, includingspecifically those enacted or adopted for the management of solid waste or forthe protection of the environment or public health.
(c) Except as provided by subsection (d) of this section, a unitof local government that is exempt from compliance with State laws or rulesenacted or adopted for the management of solid waste or for the protection ofthe environment shall, by becoming a member of a regional solid wastemanagement authority created under this Article and as a condition of suchmembership, agree to comply with and to be bound by all applicable federal andState laws, regulations, and rules enacted or adopted for the management ofsolid waste and for the protection of the environment with respect to all solidwaste management activities of the authority within the territorialjurisdiction of the unit of local government and with respect to all solidwaste management activities performed by the unit of local government inconnection with membership in the authority.
(d) A unit of local government that is exempt from compliancewith State laws or rules enacted or adopted for the management of solid wasteshall obtain all permits that may be necessary for the conduct of solid wastemanagement activities within the territorial jurisdiction of the unit of localgovernment as provided by federal law and regulations. Responsibility for theenforcement of laws, regulations, and rules enacted or adopted for themanagement of solid waste within the territorial jurisdiction of a unit oflocal government that is exempt from compliance with State laws or rulesenacted or adopted for the management of solid waste shall be as provided byfederal law and regulations. (1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 888, s. 1; c. 1004, s. 47; c. 1075, s. 5;1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 948, s. 2.)