§ 153A‑49. Code ofordinances.
A county may adopt and issue a code of its ordinances. The code may bereproduced by any method that gives legible and permanent copies, and may beissued as a securely bound book or books with periodic separately bound supplements,or as a loose‑leaf book maintained by replacement pages. Supplements orreplacement pages should be adopted and issued at least annually, unless therehave been no additions to or modifications of the code during the year.
A code may consist of two parts, the "General Ordinances" andthe "Technical Ordinances." The technical ordinances may be publishedas separate books or pamphlets, and may include ordinances regarding theconstruction of buildings, the installation of plumbing and electric wiring,and the installation of cooling and heating equipment; ordinances regarding theuse of public utilities, buildings, or facilities operated by the county; thezoning ordinance; the subdivision control ordinance; the privilege license taxordinance; and other similar ordinances designated as technical ordinances bythe board of commissioners. The board may omit from the code the budgetordinance, any bond orders, and other designated classes of ordinances oflimited interest or transitory nature, but the code shall clearly describe theclasses of ordinances omitted from it.
The board of commissioners may provide that ordinances (i) establishingor amending the boundaries of county zoning areas or (ii) establishing oramending the boundaries of zoning districts shall be codified by appropriateentries upon official map books to be retained permanently in the office of theclerk or some other county office generally accessible to the public. (1973, c. 822, s. 1.)