§ 153A‑59. Implementation when board has members serving a combination of four‑ andtwo‑year terms.
If the structure of the board of commissioners is altered to establisha board with an odd number of members serving a combination of four‑ andtwo‑year terms of office, the new structure shall be implemented asfollows:
At the first election all members of the board shall be elected. A simple majority of those elected shall be elected for two‑year terms, andthe remaining members shall be elected for four‑year terms. The candidateor candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected for thefour‑year terms.
At each subsequent general election, a simple majority of the boardshall be elected. That candidate who is elected with the least number of votesshall be elected for a two‑year term, and the other member or memberselected shall be elected for four‑year terms. (1927, c. 91, s. 3; 1969, c. 717, s. 1; 1973, c. 822,s. 1.)