Article 5.
Part1. Organization and Reorganization of County
§ 153A‑76. Board of commissioners to organizecounty government.
The board of commissioners may create, change, abolish, and consolidateoffices, positions, departments, boards, commissions, and agencies of thecounty government, may impose ex officio the duties of more than one office ona single officer, may change the composition and manner of selection of boards,commissions, and agencies, and may generally organize and reorganize the countygovernment in order to promote orderly and efficient administration of countyaffairs, subject to the following limitations:
(1) The board may not abolish an office, position, department,board, commission, or agency established or required by law.
(2) The board may not combine offices or confer certain dutieson the same officer when this action is specifically forbidden by law.
(3) The board may not discontinue or assign elsewhere afunction or duty assigned by law to a particular office, position, department,board, commission, or agency.
(4) The board may not change the composition or manner ofselection of a local board of education, the board of health, the board ofsocial services, the board of elections, or the board of alcoholic beveragecontrol. (1973, c. 822, s.1.)