Part 2. Administration in Counties Having Managers.
§ 153A‑81. Adoption of county‑managerplan; appointment or designation of manager.
The board of commissioners may by resolution adopt or discontinue thecounty‑manager plan. If it adopts the county‑manager plan, theboard may, in the alternative:
(1) Appoint a county manager to serve at its pleasure. Themanager shall be appointed solely on the basis of his executive andadministrative qualifications. He need not be a resident of the county or theState at the time of his appointment.
(2) Confer upon the chairman or some other member of the boardof commissioners the duties of county manager. If this is done, the chairman ormember shall become a full‑time county official, and the board mayincrease his salary pursuant to G.S. 153A‑28.
(3) Confer upon any other officer, employee, or agent of thecounty the duties of county manager.
As used in this Part, the word "manager" includes thechairman or any member of the board of commissioners exercising the duties ofmanager or any officer, employee, or agent of a county exercising the duties ofmanager. (1927, c. 91, ss.5, 8; 1973, c. 822, s. 1.)