Part 4. Personnel.
§ 153A‑92. Compensation.
(a) Subject to the limitations set forth in subsection (b) ofthis section, the board of commissioners shall fix or approve the schedule ofpay, expense allowances, and other compensation of all county officers andemployees, whether elected or appointed, and may adopt position classificationplans.
(b) In exercising the authority granted by subsection (a) ofthis section, the board of commissioners is subject to the followinglimitations:
(1) The board of commissioners may not reduce the salary,allowances, or other compensation paid to an officer elected by the people forthe duties of his elective office if the reduction is to take effect during theterm of office for which the incumbent officer has been elected, unless theofficer agrees to the reduction or unless the Local Government Commissionpursuant to Chapter 159, Article 10, orders a reduction.
(2) During the year of a general election, the board ofcommissioners may reduce the salary, allowances, or other compensation of anofficer to be elected at the general election only in accordance with thissubdivision. The board of commissioners shall by resolution give notice ofintention to make the reduction no later than 14 days before the last day forfiling notice of candidacy for the office. The resolution shall set forth thereduced salary, allowances, and other compensation and shall provide that thereduction is to take effect at the time the person elected to the office in thegeneral election takes office. Once adopted, the resolution may not be altereduntil the person elected to the office in the general election has takenoffice. The filing fee for the office shall be determined by reference to thereduced salary.
(3) If the board of commissioners reduces the salaries,allowances, or other compensation of employees assigned to an officer electedby the people, and the reduction does not apply alike to all county offices anddepartments, the elected officer involved must approve the reduction. If the electedofficer refuses to approve the reduction, he and the board of commissionersshall meet and attempt to reach agreement. If agreement cannot be reached,either the board or the officer may refer the dispute to arbitration by thesenior resident superior court judge of the superior court district or set ofdistricts as defined in G.S. 7A‑41.1 in which the county is located. Thejudge shall make an award within 30 days after the day the matter is referredto him. The award may extend for no more than two fiscal years, including thefiscal year for which it is made.
(4) The board of commissioners shall fix their own salaries,allowances, and other compensation in accordance with G.S. 153A‑28.
(5) The board of commissioners shall fix the salaries, allowancesand other compensation of county employees subject to the State Personnel Actaccording to the procedures set forth in Chapter 126. The board may make theseemployees subject to a county position classification plan only as provided inChapter 126.
(c) In counties with a county manager, the manager isresponsible for preparing position classification and pay plans for submissionto the board of commissioners and for administering the pay plan and anyposition classification plan in accordance with general policies and directivesadopted by the board. In counties without a county manager, the board ofcommissioners shall appoint or designate a personnel officer, who shall then beresponsible for administering the pay plan and any position classification planin accordance with general policies and directives adopted by the board.
(d) A county may purchase life insurance or health insurance orboth for the benefit of all or any class of county officers and employees as apart of their compensation. A county may provide other fringe benefits forcounty officers and employees. (1927, c. 91, s. 8; 1953, c. 1227, ss. 1‑3; 1969, c. 358, s. 1;c. 1017; 1973, c. 822, s. 1; 1987 (Reg. Sess., 1988), c. 1037, s. 122.)