§ 156‑100.2. Payment of assessments which become liens after original bond issue.
Payment of assessments not included in the original bond or note issueshall be financed in the following manner:
(1) In the event of appeal from the order of the clerk of superior court approving the final report of the board of viewers, the assessmentapproved by the appellate court shall be due and payable 30 days from the entryof the final order in said appeal.
(2) In the event land should be included within the districtfor any other reason, the assessment thereon shall be due and payable 30 daysafter the date of the agreement or court order by which said land is included.
(3) In the event the assessments referred to in the precedingsubdivisions (1) and (2) are not paid at the expiration of the said 30‑dayperiod, then the commissioners may provide for installment payments of saidassessment upon such terms as may be approved by the clerk of the superiorcourt who has jurisdiction of the said drainage proceeding.
The commissioners of the district may issue bonds ornotes for an amount equal to the total of the installment payments, upon termsas approved by the clerk of the superior court. The lien of the assessment, therights of the bond or note holder, and all other liabilities and rights shallbe the same as prescribed in this Subchapter III for other bonds and notes ofthe district. (1963, c. 767, s.9.)