§ 156‑117. Subdistricts formed.
Subdistricts may be formed by owners of land in main districtstheretofore established in the manner provided for the organization of maindistricts. Such subdistricts shall have the right to use the ditches or canalsof the main districts for outlets. The formation of subdistricts shall notoperate to release the lands in any subdistrict from the payment of anyassessment or levy made prior to the formation of such subdistricts, nor fromany assessment which may thereafter be made for the completion and maintenanceof the canals in main districts, or for the payment of the principal andinterest on any indebtedness incurred by the main district, nor shall it givethe subdistrict any claim on the funds of such main district for its local use.It shall be the duty of the drainage commissioners of the main district tocontrol all matters pertaining to the main district drainage. Drainagecommissioners for the subdistricts shall have authority and control over allmatters pertaining to drainage within their respective subdistricts, exceptsuch work as belongs exclusively to the main district. (1917, c. 152, s. 8; C.S., s. 5373.)