§ 156‑22. Supplemental assessments to make up deficiency; vacancy appointments ofassessment jurors.
The freeholders, commissioners or jurors, appointed in any applicationor proceeding filed or instituted under G.S. 156‑21 or any other sectionof Article 1 of this Chapter, are authorized and empowered during theestablishment of and providing for the construction, maintenance and paymenttherefor, of such ditch, canal or drain, to make other and further assessmentsfor the costs of establishment, construction and expense, when it shall bedetermined by the clerk of the court that the provisions in the former reportfor the payment thereof are insufficient, and that such supplementary reportsshall be made on the same basis of an equitable and just proportion, as made inthe former report, which report or reports shall be filed with the clerk of thesuperior court and have the same force and effect as the former or originalreport.
In case of death, resignation, removal or for any other cause therebecomes a vacancy as to the freeholders, commissioners or jurors, appointed tocarry out the provisions of the sections contained in this Chapter, the clerkof the superior court is authorized to fill such vacancy by the appointment ofsome disinterested freeholder in the county, and the said person so appointedto fill such vacancy shall qualify before the clerk of the superior courtbefore entering upon his duties. (1931, c. 227, s. 2.)