Article 2.
Jurisdiction in County Commissioners.
§ 156‑32. Petition filed; board appointed;refusal to serve misdemeanor.
Upon the petition of three citizens in any county to the countycommissioners, petitioning for the draining of any creek, swamp, or branch,either upon the plea of health or to promote and advance the agriculturalinterest of the farmers who may own lands lying on such creek, swamp, or branchpetitioned to be drained, the county commissioners shall within 10 days afterthe filing of such petition order the county surveyor to summon threedisinterested freeholders, good and lawful men of intelligence and discretion,who shall constitute a board, and the county surveyor shall be the chairman ofsuch board; and the chairman shall give all persons who may be interested inhaving such creek, swamp, or branch drained three days' notice of the time andplace of the meeting of the board: Provided, the petitioners shall deposit withthe county treasurer the sum of twenty‑five dollars ($25.00) for thepayment of current expenses not otherwise provided for in this Article. Anyperson duly summoned by the county surveyor to act as a commissioner for thedrainage of any such creek, swamp, or branch, who shall refuse to serve, shallbe guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor. (1887, c. 267; Rev., ss. 3379, 4011; C.S., s. 5290; 1993, c. 539, s.1073; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c).)