§ 156‑6. Right ofowner to fence; entry for repairs.
Any proprietor, through or on whose land such canal or ditch may be cutor embankment raised, may put a fence or make paths across the same, providedthe usefulness thereof be not impaired; and the owner of the canal, ditch, ordam, his heirs and assigns, shall at all times have free access to the same forthe purpose of making and repairing them; doing thereby no unnecessary damageto the lands of the proprietors. (1795, c. 436, s. 2, P.R.; 1835, c. 7; 1852, c. 57, ss. 1, 2; R.C., c.40, s. 4; Code, s. 1300; Rev., s. 3986; C.S., s. 5265.)