§ 156‑82. Validation of election of members of drainage commission.
All irregularities caused by failure of any officer whose duty it wasto provide for the election of a member or members of board of drainagecommissioners of any drainage district, or the failure of any candidate to makea deposit as may be required by law, shall not invalidate such election wherethe following facts appear affirmatively:
(1) That said election was held at the time and place prescribedby law.
(2) That a ballot box was provided for the ballots cast fordrainage commissioner.
(3) That the ballots were canvassed and the results declared bythe judge of the general election.
(4) That the candidate receiving the greatest number of voteswas declared elected.
(5) That no candidate for election as a member of board ofdrainage commissioners made any deposit as prescribed by law.
(6) That the candidate receiving the majority votes at saidelection has already qualified and is acting as such drainage commissioner.
This section shall not apply to any election contested before March 9,1921. (1921, c. 210; C.S., s.5339(a).)