§ 157‑39.3. Decreasing area of operation of regional housing authority.
The area of operation or boundaries of a regional housing authorityshall be decreased from time to time to exclude one or more counties from sucharea if the board of county commissioners of each of the counties in such areaand the commissioners of the regional housing authority each adopt a resolutiondeclaring that there is a need for excluding such county or counties from sucharea: Provided, that if such action decreases the area of operation of theregional housing authority to only one county, such authority shall thereuponconstitute and become a housing authority for such county, in the same manneras though such authority were created, and constituted a public and corporate bodyfor such county pursuant to other provisions of this housing authority law, andthe commissioners of such authority shall be thereupon appointed as providedfor the appointment of commissioners of a housing authority created for acounty.
The board of county commissioners of each of the counties in the areaof operation of the regional housing authority and the commissioners of theregional housing authority shall adopt a resolution declaring that there is aneed for excluding a county or counties from such area only if:
(1) Each such board of county commissioners of the counties toremain in the area of operation of the regional housing authority and thecommissioners of the regional housing authority find that, because of factsarising or determined subsequent to the time when such area first included thecounty or counties to be excluded, the regional housing authority would be amore efficient or economical administrative unit if such county or countieswere excluded from such area, and
(2) The board of county commissioners of each county orcounties to be excluded and the commissioners of the regional housingauthority each also find that another housing authority for such county orcounties would be a more efficient or economical administrative unit tofunction in such county or counties.
Nothing contained herein shall be construed as preventing a county orcounties excluded from the area of operation of a regional housing authority,as provided above, from thereafter being included within the area of operationof any housing authority in accordance with this Article.
Any property held by a regional housing authority within a county orcounties excluded from the area of operation of such authority as hereinprovided, shall, as soon as practicable after the exclusion of said county orcounties, respectively, be disposed of by such authority in the publicinterest. (1943, c. 636, s.5; 1971, c. 431, s. 2.)