§ 157‑8. Removalof commissioners.
The mayor may remove a commissioner for inefficiency or neglect of dutyor misconduct in office, but only after the commissioner shall have been givena copy of the charges against him (which may be made by the mayor) at least 10days prior to the hearing thereon and had an opportunity to be heard in personor by counsel.
Any obligee of the authority may file with the mayor written chargesthat the authority is violating willfully any law of the State or any term,provision or covenant in any contract to which the authority is a party. Themayor shall give each of the commissioners a copy of such charges at least 10days prior to the hearing thereon and an opportunity to be heard in person orby counsel and shall within 15 days after receipt of such charges remove anycommissioners of the authority who shall have been found to have acquiesced inany such willful violation.
A commissioner shall be deemed to have acquiesced in a willfulviolation by the authority of a law of this State or of any term, provision orcovenant contained in a contract to which the authority is a party, if, beforea hearing is held on the charges against him, he shall not have filed a writtenstatement with the authority of his objections to, or lack of participation in,such violation.
In the event of the removal of any commissioner, the mayor shall filein the office of the city clerk a record of the proceedings together with thecharges made against the commissioners and the findings thereon. (1935, c. 456, s. 8.)