Article 2A.
Multi‑County Water Conservation andInfrastructure District.
§ 158‑15.1. Multi‑County WaterConservation and Infrastructure District.
(a) There is established the Multi‑County WaterConservation and Infrastructure District, which is a public authority for thepurpose of the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act.
(b) The member counties of the Multi‑County WaterConservation and Infrastructure District are Bertie, Caswell, Forsyth,Granville, Guilford, Halifax, Martin, Northampton, Person, Rockingham, Stokes,Surry, Vance, Warren, and Washington.
(c) The governing body of the Multi‑County WaterConservation and Infrastructure District is the Multi‑County WaterCommission. One member of this Commission shall be appointed for a three‑yearterm by the board of commissioners of each member county.
(d) All monies received by the State of North Carolina for saleof water under the Roanoke River Basin Compact, if enacted, shall be paid tothe Multi‑County Water Conservation and Infrastructure District.
(e) The District may accept for any of its purposes andfunctions any and all donations, grants of money, equipment, supplies,materials and services (conditional or otherwise) from any state or the UnitedStates or any subdivision or agency thereof, or interstate agency, or from anypolitical subdivision of this State or any other state, or from anyinstitution, person, firm or corporation, and may receive, utilize and disposeof the same. The nature, amount and condition, if any, attendant upon anydonation or grant accepted pursuant to this subsection together with theidentity of the donor or grantor, shall be detailed in the annual audit of theDistrict.
(f) At times specified by the Multi‑County WaterCommission, net revenues after operating expenses of the District shall be paidto each of the fifteen member counties according to the following formula: (i)one‑half pro‑rata based on the population located within theRoanoke River basin area of each member county; and (ii) one‑half pro‑ratabased on the land area located within the Roanoke River Basin area of eachcounty.
(g) Member counties may use funds received under this sectionfor public purposes relating to infrastructure development, economicdevelopment, and water conservation.
(h) The Commission may adopt such rules as may be needful foroperation of its affairs, and shall employ and terminate personnel as if itwere a county. (1995, c. 507, s.26.12; 1996, 2nd Ex. Sess., c. 18, s. 24.22(a); 1997‑443, s. 15.48(a).)