§ 158‑32. Definitions.
The following definitions apply in this Article:
(1) Authority. The North Carolina Global TransPark Authoritycreated under Chapter 63A of the General Statutes.
(2) Commission. North Carolina's Eastern Region DevelopmentCommission, the governing body of North Carolina's Eastern Region.
(3) Global TransPark Complex. The approximately four to sixthousand acre site designated by the Authority for a cargo airport and relatedfacilities in Lenoir County. The site will contain a modern airport largeenough to handle the largest aircraft and will be dedicated to the rapidmovement of freight and passengers by air with intermodal connecting links withrail, highway, and water transportation facilities.
(4) North Carolina Global TransPark. A large area surroundingand including the Global TransPark Complex, which will contain commercial andindustrial sites providing attractive locations for business and industry ofdiffering sizes and varying kinds.
(4a) Region. North Carolina's Eastern Region, an economicdevelopment district created pursuant to this Article.
(5) Unit of Local Government. A local subdivision or unit ofgovernment or a local public corporate entity, including any type of specialdistrict or public authority.
(6) Repealed by Session Laws 2005‑364, s. 1, effectiveOctober 1, 2005. (1993, c. 544, s. 1; 2005‑364,s. 1.)