§ 158‑8.6. Uniformstandards.
The Department of Commerce, inconsultation with the commissions created pursuant to G.S. 158‑8.1, 158‑8.2,158‑8.3, and 158‑33, the Charlotte Regional Partnership, Inc., thePiedmont Triad Partnership, and the Research Triangle Regional Partnership,shall develop uniform standards for the use of State funds related toaccounting procedures, personnel practices, and purchasing and contractsprocedures. The commissions created pursuant to G.S. 158‑8.1, 158‑8.2,158‑8.3, and 158‑33 shall follow these standards. As a condition onthe receipt of State funds, the Charlotte Regional Partnership, Inc., thePiedmont Triad Partnership, and the Research Triangle Regional Partnershipshall follow these standards. (2006‑263, s. 1.)