§ 159‑13.1. Financial plan for intragovernmental service funds.
(a) If a local government or public authority establishes andoperates one or more intragovernmental service funds, it need not include sucha fund in its budget ordinance. However, at the same time it adopts the budgetordinance, the governing board shall approve a balanced financial plan for eachintragovernmental service fund. A financial plan is balanced when estimatedexpenditures do not exceed estimated revenues.
(b) The budget officer shall include in the budget he submits tothe board, pursuant to G.S. 159‑11, a proposed financial plan for eachintragovernmental service fund to be operated during the budget year by thelocal government or public authority. The proposed financial plan shall be insuch form and detail as prescribed by the budget officer or governing board.
(c) The approved financial plan shall be entered in the minutesof the governing board, as shall each amendment to the plan approved by theboard. Within five days after approval, copies of the plan and copies of eachamendment thereto shall be filed with the finance officer, the budget officer,and the clerk to the governing board.
(d) Any change in a financial plan must be approved by thegoverning board. (1975, c. 514, s.7.)