§ 159‑13.2. Project ordinances.
(a) Definitions.
(1) In this section "capital project" means a projectfinanced in whole or in part by the proceeds of bonds or notes or debtinstruments or a project involving the construction or acquisition of a capitalasset.
(2) "Grant project" means a project financed in wholeor in part by revenues received from the federal and/or State government foroperating or capital purposes as defined by the grant contract.
(b) Alternative Budget Methods. A local government or publicauthority may, in its discretion, authorize and budget for a capital project ora grant project either in its annual budget ordinance or in a project ordinanceadopted pursuant to this section. A project ordinance authorizes allappropriations necessary for the completion of the project and neither it norany part of it need be readopted in any subsequent fiscal year. Neither a bondorder nor an order authorizing any debt instrument constitutes a projectordinance.
(c) Adoption of Project Ordinances. If a local government orpublic authority intends to authorize a capital project or a grant project by aproject ordinance, it shall not begin the project until it has adopted abalanced project ordinance for the life of the project. A project ordinance isbalanced when revenues estimated to be available for the project equalappropriations for the project. A project ordinance shall clearly identify theproject and authorize its undertaking, identify the revenues that will financethe project, and make the appropriations necessary to complete the project.
(d) Project Ordinance Filed. Each project ordinance shall beentered in the minutes of the governing board. Within five days after adoption,copies of the ordinance shall be filed with the finance officer, the budgetofficer, and the clerk to the governing board.
(e) Amendment. A project ordinance may be amended in anymanner so long as it continues to fulfill all requirements of this section.
(f) Inclusion of Project Information in Budget. Each year thebudget officer shall include in the budget information in such detail as he orthe governing board may require concerning each grant project or capitalproject (i) expected to be authorized by project ordinance during the budgetyear and (ii) authorized by previously adopted project ordinances which willhave appropriations available for expenditure during the budget year. (1975, c. 514, s. 8; 1979, c. 402, s. 3; 1987, c. 796,s. 3(3), 3(4).)