§ 159‑35. Secretary of Local Government Commission to notify units of debt serviceobligations.
(a) The secretary shall mail to each local government and publicauthority not later than May 1 of each year a statement of its debt serviceobligations for the coming fiscal year, including sums to be paid into sinkingfunds.
(b) The secretary shall mail to each local government and publicauthority not later than 30 days prior to the due date of each installment ofprincipal or interest on outstanding debt, a statement of the amount ofprincipal and interest so payable, the due date, the place to which thepayments should be sent, and a summary of the legal penalties for failing tomeet debt service obligations.
(c) The secretary shall mail to each unit of local governmentnot later than 30 days prior to the due date of each payment due to the Stateunder debt instruments issued pursuant to Chapter 159G of the General Statutesor Chapter 159I of the General Statutes a statement of the amount so payable,the due date, the amount of any moneys due to the unit of local government thatwill be withheld by the State and applied to the payment, the amount due to bepaid by the unit of local government from local sources, the place to whichpayment should be sent, and a summary of the legal penalties for failing tohonor the debt instrument according to its terms. Failure of the secretarytimely to mail such statement or otherwise comply with the provisions of thissubsection (c) shall not affect in any manner the obligation of a unit of localgovernment to make payments to the State in accordance with any such debtinstrument. (1931, c. 60, ss.36, 37; 1971, c. 780, s. 1; 1987, c. 796, s. 3(7); 1989, c. 756, s. 4.)