§ 159B‑43.1. Alternative to board of commissioners.
(a) In lieu of the provisions of G.S. 159B‑43(c) through(i), a joint municipal assistance agency organized by two or more jointagencies, by resolutions adopted by each of those joint agencies, may be governedby an executive committee created pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 159B‑10.In that case, the commissioners of the joint municipal assistance agencyappointed pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 159B‑43(a) and (b) shalladopt a resolution substantially identical to the resolutions adopted by thejoint agencies creating the executive committee. The terms of office, methodsof filling vacancies, and such other matters involving the executive committeeshall be as set forth in those resolutions.
(b) In connection with a joint municipal assistance agencygoverned pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, membermunicipalities of that joint municipal assistance agency which are not membersof the joint agencies organizing that joint municipal assistance agency andnonmunicipal members, as defined in G.S. 159B‑50, may elect members tothe executive committee pursuant to those procedures as they agree upon amongthemselves, but subject to the following: if the number of the member municipalitiesand nonmunicipal members is seven or less, those municipalities andnonmunicipal members, acting jointly, may appoint one member to the executivecommittee, and if the number of the member municipalities and nonmunicipalmembers is more than seven, those member municipalities and nonmunicipalmembers, acting jointly, may appoint two members to the executive committee.
(c) Members of the executive committee appointed by the membermunicipalities and nonmunicipal members, and members of any subcommitteecreated by those member municipalities and nonmunicipal members, may receivecompensation, and be paid expenses, for the performance of their duties asdetermined by the member municipalities and nonmunicipal members appointingthose members. However, for any member of an executive committee who is anemployee of a member municipality or nonmunicipal member, a payment in lieu ofany compensation shall be made to the member municipality or nonmunicipalmember for distribution to the executive committee member in the manner andamount, if any, it deems appropriate. (1995, c. 412, s. 23.)