§ 159B‑5.1. Jointownership with other public or private entities engaged in generation,transmission or distribution of electric power for resale.
Municipalities and joint agencies may jointly or severally own, operateand maintain projects with any person, firm, association or corporation, publicor private, engaged in the generation, transmission or distribution of electricpower and energy for resale within this State or any state contiguous to thisState. Any municipality or joint agency shall have for such purposes all powersconferred upon them by the provisions of this Chapter including the power toissue revenue bonds pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter to finance itsshare of the cost of any such project. The definitions and all other terms andprovisions of this Chapter shall be construed so as to include such undividedownership interest in order to fully effectuate the power and authorityconferred by the foregoing provisions of this section. (1977, c. 708, s. 3.)