§ 159G‑35. Criteria for loans and grants.
(a) CWSRF and DWSRF. Federal law determines the criteria forawarding a loan or grant from the CWSRF or the DWSRF. An award of a loan orgrant from one of these accounts must meet the criteria set under federal law.The Department is directed to establish through negotiation with the UnitedStates Environmental Protection Agency the criteria for evaluating applicationsfor loans and grants from the CWSRF and the DWSRF and the priority assigned tothe criteria. The Department must incorporate the negotiated criteria andpriorities in the Capitalization Grant Operating Agreement between theDepartment and the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The criteriaand priorities incorporated in the Agreement apply to a loan or grant from theCWSRF or the DWSRF. The common criteria in G.S. 159G‑23 do not apply to aloan or grant from the CWSRF or the DWSRF.
(b) Reserves. The common criteria in G.S. 159G‑23 applyto a loan or grant from the Wastewater Reserve or the Drinking Water Reserve.The Department may establish by rule other criteria that apply to a loan orgrant from the Wastewater Reserve or the Drinking Water Reserve. (2005‑454, s. 3.)