§ 159I‑2. Findingsand purpose.
The General Assembly finds that units of local government need a sourceof funds to implement solid waste management programs. Units of localgovernment will confront a crisis in solid waste management in the near future. Within five years of the creation of this program, one‑third of all thelandfills in this State will have reached their capacity. Many localgovernments do not have the funds to meet:
(1) The increased costs of constructing new landfills that meetcurrent standards for the protection of the environment; or
(2) The cost of constructing a local or regional incineratorthat would serve to reduce the volume of waste to be landfilled; or
(3) The costs of implementing alternative programs to reduce theamount of waste generated, to decrease the volume of waste that is generated,or to recover or to recycle that part of the waste stream that can be recoveredor used for another purpose.
The General Assembly finds that comprehensive solid waste managementprograms at a local or regional level are needed in order to preserve thequality of North Carolina's groundwater. It is the purpose of the GeneralAssembly to facilitate the implementation of local and regional solid wastemanagement programs by establishing a loan fund for financing the capitalexpenses of these programs. The General Assembly seeks to encourage and assistunits of local government to continue to voluntarily provide solid wastecollection and disposal for their citizens, thereby maintaining a clean andhealthful environment and an adequate supply of clean water. (1989, c. 756, s. 1.)