Article 84A.
§ 15A‑1368. Definitionsand administration.
(a) The following wordshave the listed meaning in this Article:
(1) Post‑releasesupervision or supervision. The time for which a sentenced prisoner isreleased from prison before the termination of his maximum prison term,controlled by the rules and conditions of this Article. Purposes of post‑releasesupervision include all or any of the following: to monitor and control theprisoner in the community, to assist the prisoner in reintegrating intosociety, to collect restitution and other court indebtedness from the prisoner,and to continue the prisoner's treatment or education.
(2) Supervisee. Aperson released from incarceration and in the custody of the Department ofCorrection and Post‑Release Supervision and Parole Commission on post‑releasesupervision.
(3) Commission. ThePost‑Release Supervision and Parole Commission, whose general authorityis described in G.S. 143B‑266.
(4) Minimum imposedterm. The minimum term of imprisonment imposed on an individual prisoner by acourt judgment, as described in G.S. 15A‑1340.13(c). When a prisoner isserving consecutive imprisonment terms, the minimum imposed term, for purposesof this Article, is the sum of all minimum terms imposed in the court judgment.
(5) Maximum imposedterm. The maximum term of imprisonment imposed on an individual prisoner by acourt judgment, as described in G.S. 15A‑1340.13(c). When a prisoner isserving consecutive prison terms, the maximum imposed term, for purposes ofthis Article, is the sum of all maximum terms imposed in the court judgment orjudgments, less nine months for each of the second and subsequent sentencesimposed for Class B through Class E felonies.
(b) Administration. The Post‑Release Supervision and Parole Commission, as authorized inChapter 143 of the General Statutes, shall administer post‑releasesupervision as provided in this Article. (1993, c. 538, s. 20.1; 1994,Ex. Sess., c. 14, ss. 24, 25; c. 24, s. 14(b); 1997‑237, s. 2.)