§ 15A‑1369.5. Change inmedical status.
(a) If a periodicmedical assessment reveals that an inmate released on medical release hasimproved so that the inmate would not be eligible for medical release if beingconsidered at that time, the Commission shall order the inmate returned to thecustody of the Department to await a revocation hearing. In determining whetherto revoke medical release, the Commission shall consider the most recentmedical assessment of the inmate and a risk assessment of the inmate conductedpursuant to G.S. 15A‑1369.3(b)(2). If the Commission revokes the inmate'smedical release, the inmate shall resume serving the balance of the sentencewith credit given for the duration of the medical release.
(b) Revocation of aninmate's medical release due to a change in the inmate's medical conditionshall not preclude an inmate's eligibility for medical release in the future orfor any other form of parole or release provided by law. (2008‑2, s. 1.)