Article 89.
Motion for AppropriateRelief and Other Post‑Trial Relief.
§ 15A‑1411. Motion forappropriate relief.
(a) Relief from errorscommitted in the trial division, or other post‑trial relief, may besought by a motion for appropriate relief. Procedure for the making of themotion is as set out in G.S. 15A‑1420.
(b) A motion forappropriate relief, whether made before or after the entry of judgment, is amotion in the original cause and not a new proceeding.
(c) The relief formerlyavailable by motion in arrest of judgment, motion to set aside the verdict,motion for new trial, post‑conviction proceedings, coram nobis and allother post‑trial motions is available by motion for appropriate relief.The availability of relief by motion for appropriate relief is not a bar torelief by writ of habeas corpus.
(d) A claim of factualinnocence asserted through the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission doesnot constitute a motion for appropriate relief and does not impact rights orrelief provided for in this Article. (1977, c. 711, s. 1; 2006‑184, s. 4.)