§ 15A‑150. (EffectiveOctober 1, 2010) Notification requirements.
(a) Notification toAOC. The clerk of superior court in each county in North Carolina shall, assoon as practicable after each term of court, file with the AdministrativeOffice of the Courts the names of the following:
(1) Persons granted adischarge or an expunction under this Article.
(2) Persons granted anexpunction under G.S. 14‑50.29 or G.S. 14‑50.30.
(3) Persons granted aconditional discharge or an expunction under G.S. 90‑96 or G.S. 90‑113.14.
(4) Persons whosejudgments of convictions have been canceled and expunged under G.S. 90‑96or G.S. 90‑113.14.
(b) Notification toOther State and Local Agencies. The clerk of superior court in each county inNorth Carolina shall send a certified copy of an order granting an expunctionto a person named in subsection (a) of this section to all of the agencieslisted in this subsection. An agency receiving an order under this subsectionshall expunge from its records all entries made as a result of the charge orconviction ordered expunged.
(1) The sheriff, chiefof police, or other arresting agency.
(2) When applicable, theDivision of Motor Vehicles and the Department of Correction.
(3) Any State or localagency identified by the petition as bearing record of the offense that hasbeen expunged.
(c) Notification to SBIand FBI. An arresting agency that receives a certified copy of an order underthis section shall forward a copy of the order with the form supplied by theState Bureau of Investigation to the State Bureau of Investigation. The StateBureau of Investigation shall forward the order to the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation.
(d) Notification toPrivate Entities. A State agency that receives a certified copy of an orderunder this section shall notify any private entity with which it has alicensing agreement for bulk extracts of data from the agency criminal recorddatabase to delete the record in question. The private entity shall notify anyother entity to which it subsequently provides in a bulk extract data from theagency criminal database to delete the record in question from its database. (2009‑510, s. 1.)