§ 15A‑833. Evidence ofvictim impact.
(a) A victim has theright to offer admissible evidence of the impact of the crime, which shall beconsidered by the court or jury in sentencing the defendant. The evidence mayinclude the following:
(1) A description of thenature and extent of any physical, psychological, or emotional injury sufferedby the victim as a result of the offense committed by the defendant.
(2) An explanation ofany economic or property loss suffered by the victim as a result of the offensecommitted by the defendant.
(3) A request forrestitution and an indication of whether the victim has applied for or receivedcompensation under the Crime Victims Compensation Act.
(b) No victim shall berequired to offer evidence of the impact of the crime. No inference orconclusion shall be drawn from a victim's decision not to offer evidence of theimpact of the crime. At the victim's request and with the consent of thedefendant, a representative of the district attorney's office or a lawenforcement officer may proffer evidence of the impact of the crime to thecourt. (1998‑212,s. 19.4(c); 2001‑433, s. 5; 2001‑487, s. 120.)