§ 15A‑908. Regulationof discovery Protective orders.
(a) Upon written motionof a party and a finding of good cause, which may include, but is not limitedto a finding that there is a substantial risk to any person of physical harm,intimidation, bribery, economic reprisals, or unnecessary annoyance orembarrassment, the court may at any time order that discovery or inspection bedenied, restricted, or deferred, or may make other appropriate orders. A partymay apply ex parte for a protective order and, if an ex parte order is granted,the opposing party shall receive notice that the order was entered, but withoutdisclosure of the subject matter of the order.
(b) The court maypermit a party seeking relief under subsection (a) to submit supporting affidavitsor statements to the court for in camera inspection. If thereafter the courtenters an order granting relief under subsection (a), the material submitted incamera must be sealed and preserved in the records of the court to be madeavailable to the appellate court in the event of an appeal. (1973, c. 1286, s. 1; 1983,Ex. Sess., c. 6, s. 2; 2004‑154, s. 8.)