§ 15B‑8.1. Privilegeand records of the Commission.
(a) In a proceedingunder this Article, the privileges set forth in G.S. 8‑53, 8‑53.3,8‑53.4, 8‑53.7, 8‑53.8, and 8‑56 do not apply tocommunications or records concerning the physical, mental or emotionalcondition of the claimant or victim if that condition is relevant to a claimfor compensation.
(b) All medicalinformation relating to the mental, physical, or emotional condition of avictim or claimant and all law enforcement records and information and anyjuvenile records shall be held confidential by the Commission and Director.Except for information held confidential under this subsection, the records ofthe Division shall be open to public inspection. (1989, c. 679, s. 3; 2004‑159,s. 1.)